THE BYE-LAWS OF CASHWOMB SITE,A PROPERTY OF EVER-YOUNG MARKETERS AND FARMERS:1. NAME AND ADDRESS The society shall be known as and the Property of EVERYOUNG MARKETERS and FARMERS with The Certificate reg number and It's registered Address shall be.31058 and NO 1,QIC STREET,IM,EE,UYO,AKS, NIGERIA. With the TIN Reg no 10807653972. The Area of Operation of the society shall be online and Nigeria3. OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY:The objects for which the Society is established are as follows:i) To engage in large Scale farming and Trading.ii)To raise funds for on-lending to it's affiliates on suitable terms and conditions and to accept deposits and loans from members and non members to augment it's resources.iii)To provide benefits and offer financial assistance to her Members in the time of needsiv)To assist the disable persons within the CommunityV) To affiliate with other organizations whose object is based on development:Vi) To carry on the business of Manufacturer,Import,Export,and Marketing of general goods and services;To carry on the business of Producers, Refineries,Stores,Suppliers and Distributor of Petrolatum Products in all her branches.Vii)To carry on the business of Estate development and management,erect buildings for rent and regulate the rent payable to the general public:Viii)To Produce and Market under license any kind of liquors beverages,drinks, restaurant,bakery and confectioneries,drugs,Fuel,Chemical of all Kinds,Clothing or Textile and Wearing apparels of whatever type ,Bottles and Iron ,Salt of all kinds,Production of and sales of Soap and detergents,Cosmetics and Cream,shoes,leather,bags,metal,and Junks and every other industrial goods of all kinds and to effect product quality control in order to eliminate adulterated goods;ix)To operate a Motor transport of all kinds and regulate the operation of same by members;x) To promote Co-operative Spirit among Members and to work towards the improvement of local living standards and to encourage the development of the cooperative movement in the State;xi)To invest and deal with the monies of the society not immediately required in such shares or up such such securities and in such manner as may from time to time be determined;xii)To establish and run educational services xiii)To do all such other lawful things as may be conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects or any of them and for the enhancement of the socio-economic well-being of the members.